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Cartographies of Affect: Across Borders in South Asia and the Americas

Debra Castillo
Kavita Punjabi
Worldview Publications
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It brings together articles written by teachers, researchers and students, in India and the U.S., on the experience of borders in South Asia and the Americas. The essays explore the significance and impact of political, cultural and racial borders from the times of the Partition of the Indian sub-continent to the contemporary era of globalization, with a focus on issues of language, identity, sexuality and exclusion. They deal with literary as well as cultural texts, including oral narratives. The anthology comprises two sections, one based on narratives of personal experience, and the other comprising analytical studies. It is preceded by a joint introduction, by Debra Castillo and Kavita Panjabi, on a comparative approach to Border Studies, as seen through the lens of the dynamics and significance of affect produced in varied and specific historical contexts. . It is a joint venture of the Centre for Studies in Latin American Literatures and Cultures (CSLALC) and the Centre of Advanced Study (CAS), of the Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University.